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Applications are invited for appointment as Scientific Director in Laboratory for Synthetic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Limited. Established as a dynamic research unit in Hong Kong Science Park and led by Prof. Chi-Ming Che of HKU Chemistry, the Laboratory integrates chemical science and biomedical science for the development of new molecular medicines and diagnostics tools for the treatment and analysis of cancer disease.
Applicants should possess a (a) PhD degree in Biology, Biochemical Science and/or Biomedical Science or a related discipline, (b) with high quality research and excellent publication record in one or more of research areas including chemical biology, cancer biology, bioinorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, metal-based or natural compound-based therapeutics and/or -omics. (c) The applicant must have excellent English in writing and proficient in technical writing and editing for scientific articles. A proven track record in securing external research grants, coordinating large scale collaborative projects, and supervising research staff would definitely be an advantage. 
The appointee will lead research projects on anticancer drug discovery in a multidisciplinary team of chemists, biomedical and clinical scientists. The appointee is expected to bring in new research initiatives in chemical biology for cancer research and apply for external grants.  He/she will be also responsible for supervising junior research staff. 
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income. The appointment will attract a contract-end gratuity up to 15% of basic salary. The less experienced maybe considered for the post of Senior Research Manager.
Applicants should send their cover letter, detailed up-to-date CV, expected salary and 3 reference letters to the email account  Review of applications will continue until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.

Copyright © Laboratory for Synthetic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Limited

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